Warming the toes of the Franschhoek community

Here at Sexy Socks, our aim is to promote social entrepreneurship whilst educating students on how business can be used as a force for good – and a force for change. This idea stems from the harsh reality that many South African children go to school without a pair of socks to wear. And so, the Sexy Socks 1-for-1 business model is simple: for every single pair of Sexy Socks sold, a pair of school socks is given to a child in need.

It’s about more than just socks

Our sock drops, when we visit schools to deliver socks to those in need, serve as the invaluable platform to talk to students about social entrepreneurship, that each and every one of us has the potential to make a change, and how we can all challenge ourselves to find something that will make South Africa a better place. So, it’s not only about the brand new pair of school socks given to each child, it’s also about sharing a long-term vision and hopefully inspiring students for years to come.

Making a difference in Franschhoek

Earlier this year, we partnered with Franschhoek Resource and Networking Coordinating Organisation (FRANCO) in an effort to warm the toes of children in the Franschhoek community. Together, we visited five schools in the region – Wemmershhoek Primary, Dalubuhle Primary, Groendal Primary, Wes-Eiend Primary and Franschhoek High – and gave over 1,100 pairs of school socks.

It was an incredible day – big smiles, new socks being shown off and chants of ‘Sexy Socks!’ rang through the assembly halls. In addition to giving each child a pair of school socks, our founder, Dave Hutchison, shared a message about entrepreneurship and the potential it has to make a difference in our community and country as a whole. When he asked the learners who wanted to start their own business, almost every hand shot up.

“The point of what I’m trying to tell you is that you are never too young to start. Our future starts with you, today. So when you put on your pair of socks in the morning, I want you to ask yourself: What can I do today to make my school a better place?”

Do you know of a school that would benefit from one of our sock drops? Nominate them today.